Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Not what I was expecting

From November 7th:

I was standing in line at some fancy vegan pizza joint when someone came up to me and told me that someone was stealing my kitten. Of course, I didn't have a kitten (I'm actually slightly allergic to cats), but I had left my laptop outside the restaurant in the park where I had been hanging out, so I went over to the window to check on it. Sure enough, some girl was in the process of stealing my laptop, so I ran outside and started chasing her. She put my computer in the trunk of a station wagon, and closed the hatch. As she was about to pull off, I jumped up onto the roof of her car and held onto the roof rack as she drove away.

I started yelling at her through the open window of the car, and to my surprise, her response was neither violent nor angry. She countered my desperate pleas with a rational argument, and she drove safely so as not to dislodge me from the roof. We began to talk as friends might, and I realized that she was actually more sane--and easier to talk to--than everyone else I surrounded myself with on a daily basis. hmm.